Wednesday, September 7, 2011

When in doubt, transfer the guilt

Norm added the "I'll do it" at the bottom. She is more proactive than me.

An unfortunate side effect of me moving out is that Norm (real initials: MP,) bears the brunt of the Post-It tirades.

Even more unfortunate is that she got lumped into the "mess" that I created in the living room while packing. Younger Sister wrote, "I know we're leaving/moving during Labor Day," even though the "we" encompasses just me.

If "we" is just "me," then "certain places" means what? The cloud of dirt that follows me around?

Also, in case you got confused, YS did not clean the bedroom. B.R. is her shorthand for bathroom.

Oh, wait, you're still confused?

Sorry, I can't help you with why she usually cleans twice. That part makes sense to no one. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Shower wars

My gym bag and the shower share custody of the razor.

This is what I keep in the shower at the Asylum. Granted, I only use the shower once a month. But this shelf is all I was given on which to put stuff.

Likelihood the color scheme was on purpose? Low.
This is the matching shelf on the other side of the shower. This is what Younger Sister keeps in the shower. 

Oh, wait...and this:

Three types of loofahs. Do you have any skin left?

And this:

A fourth loofah! Definitely no skin left.

And this: 

Pumice stones too? Is there an exoskeleton hiding somewhere?

I have two personal favorite aspects of the shower situation:

1. That I am repeatedly asked to clean the shower when there's not even any room for me in it. 

2. That YS uses the same shaving cream as Don Draper.