Norm's slash indicates she paid the hush money. As in, hush up. Now. |
To recap:
Monday night, this appeared.
Less than a week, and Younger Sister was in dire straits to recoup money for items no one asked her to buy.
I walked into the Asylum to find this Post-It on the fridge. Actually, I was waiting in line to get to the fridge because Younger Sister decided to jump in front of me as I stood staring at four notes at once. (More on those later this week.)
YS threw some food on the counter, slammed some cabinets shut and huffed her way over to the sink, muttering, "It's all yours," to me about the fridge.
In the human world, this signifies, "anger." In Post-It world, it signifies, "read the Post-It to decipher my anger." No one would have verbalized a word unless I started it.
Me: "Oh, I'll have money for you tomorrow. I'm sorry - I haven't had cash all week." (Note: This is true. I haven't had any kind of money all week. I don't get paid until Monday.)
YS: "Oh, that's OK, I'm just not working right now, so you know."
First of all, clearly this is not OK. Secondly, no, I don't know how parentally financed unemployment translates to petty compulsion. And finally, by not working right now, she means she hasn't been working for six months since she was fired from a bar.
I've been let go from a bar before. It's a transient industry and management is fickle. YS said the manager was a jerk and didn't have any grounds. While explaining her own defense, she also let it slip she was fired for telling a customer to "f**k himself."
Since then she has been turned down for jobs because she wasn't willing to drive outside the city and once for how she dressed to the interview. The phone conversation I overhead (easily, since there was much shouting involved,) last week included this soliloquy:
YS (shouting, naturally): "I refuse to wait tables or serve drinks. I am not going to get a bar job. I'm above that. I'm too educated. I'm intellectually overqualified for that job."
YS just finished graduate school, from which her Masters in Teaching degree is pending because of an argument with a professor. She has taken the Illinois Basics Skills test four times.
She has failed the Illinois Basic Skills test. Four times.
In all honesty, I probably would have paid my $8 by Sunday under normal circumstances. But I didn't want to. I'm intellectually overqualified for this Post-It.