Thursday, July 7, 2011

I didn't forget, I just didn't pay you

Adding a French thank-you does not make you seem nicer.
Rules of living in the Asylum:

1. Shoes off at the door.
2. Recycle everything.
3. If you buy anything that could be used by anyone else, write down how much it was and make everyone pay their part back to you in cash. 

The older sister of the two crazy roommates is compulsive. Like living with Monica on Friends if she were cracked out on Ajax, protein shakes and raging desperation. Before going on vacation, Monica-Filled-With-Rage asked for $4 from each of us. I had a $20 bill and needed change, to which MFWR responded via Post-It, "Just give me the money when you have it." 

MFWR returned at 11pm on a Wednesday night. This Post-It appeared Thursday morning. I can remember lots of things. In fact, I seem to remember what you said better than you can. I remember it so well that I won't have your $4 for a few more days. Oops! Merci. 

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